Episode 193 - 2 ways I coach clients through a “crunchy” mindset spiral to be better strategists
We love talking strategy here on the pod but I also know how important mindset and energy is in the execution of said strategy.
Episode 192 - Not you watering a plant-less garden: How a strong audience growth strategy helps your business garden thrive
Want the recipes for a predictable and lucrative business? You need an ongoing audience growth strategy, a solid sales process (which I covered in last week's ep), a highly-compelling message and of course - a great offer!
Episode 191 - The worst sales advice I’ve heard.
There’s some sales advice out there that really grinds my gears. One such piece of advice is to do everything you can to AVOID actually connecting with potential clients during the sales process. It’s the “how hands off can I get?” mentality.
Episode 190 - Is niche-ing killing your sales?
When we try to fit our multidimensional experience into a super specific niche, we end up squeezing all our offers into that niche, too. Trouble is, the messaging for those offers then sounds the same (because it's gotta fit under the niche, right?). Your offers end up cannibalising one another because people don’t know which offer to choose (and as we know, a confused mind never buys!). That means, you’re leaving $$$ on the table!
Episode 189 - What my investment portfolio can teach you about predictable results in business
My investment portfolio contains a solid mix of core strategies that are predictable and basically “set and forget”, alongside higher risk (and higher reward opportunity) investments, like that one stock of mine that’s up almost 35% right now! But if all of my portfolio were high risk and shit were to hit the fan, I’d be in trouble… your business is no different.
Episode 188 - What it’s REALLY like to work with me…
I’m a hardcore business strategist and I’m usually one of the first people to try something new. AND, I recognised many years ago that giving someone a strategy - *without* them having an understanding of their own strengths and how to apply them to their business - was not going to create the sustainable multiple 6 & 7 figure success they craved.
Episode 187 - From $500 months to a $50k month in just a year. This is Elaine's story
Join me as I interview our beautiful NEON client, Elaine.
Episode 186 - $80k in revenue from a $37 offer
When industry experts are still talking about paying to be in their energy, meanwhile, I’m over here watching and observing shifts in buyer behaviour, adapting my business model, gathering data and experience and then delivering those lessons and data to my clients (oh and adding an extra $80K in revenue 💰)
Episode 185 - Why social media isn’t sustainable - for your business or your mental health
At times, I’ve had a pretty unhealthy relationship with my socials and there have been some key mindset and strategic shifts that have had to occur to improve this aspect of my business (and more than halved the time I actually spend on social in the process).
Episode 184 - $30k in sales over 2 weeks. While on holiday. Here’s how
During our company’s Christmas / New Year break, we received over $30k in sales. I know I sound like a broken record on this, but the purchasing cycle of our buyers has changed significantly in the past two years. It means we need to be on the front foot to shorten that cycle by nurturing potential clients over a longer time period.
Episode 183 - Doubling my revenue in 2024. Here’s how.
One of my faves is linking your business growth to the process of planting a seed. You need to prep the soil, plant the seed, tend to that seed, and then reap the rewards of the seed. You can’t skip any of these steps. If you don’t have healthy soil, the seed can’t grow into a healthy plant and you won’t reap any rewards.
Episode 182 - What I’m bringing to the coaching industry in 2024
I’m entering my 5th line leadership era (and bringing my community along for the ride). Knowing I’ll receive projections, feel uncomfortable and be misunderstood at times - but doing it anyway! Because the truth is, WE are the custodians of our industry. There is nobody else who is going to change the way things are done. WE go first.
Episode 181 - How to plan for 2024 in a way that NOBODY is teaching
How are you feeling at this time of year? Are you feeling accomplished? Desperate for a rest because you’ve been so busy? Or maybe a bit anxious about the things still on your to-do list that you “meant” to get to - but didn’t.
Episode 180 - What does ‘Richness Without Sacrifice’ actually mean?
Your Movement is the golden thread woven throughout all of your offers. It's the thing that keeps you going even when things feel hard. It's the core value with which you make all of your decisions. So you see, your Movement is *meant* to bring you to tears. Join me in this week’s episode to hear what ‘Richness Without Sacrifice’ means to me and how you can create it for yourself.
Episode 179 - A week in the life of a strengths-led, evergreen busines
In this week’s ep, I’m pulling back the curtain and showing you what a typical week looks like at Team JJ, including what I do, what my team does and how I engage with my business activities in a strengths-led way so that I can gain the biggest ROI on those tasks.
Episode 178 - 5 steps we took to move from live launching to an evergreen business model
It’s one thing to decide you want to sell more on evergreen, it’s a whole other ball game to get the offer, messaging and business infrastructure set up to actually do it.
Episode 177 - The reality of an $83K launch
This ep is the very same recording of the Loom video added to the NEON portal about our launch, which I recorded after we did a more interactive live coaching call where our clients could ask questions. Hope you enjoy!
Episode 176 - This will make you a more profitable and intentional biz owner (nothing fancy required!)
Today is a quick and dirty pep talk on something that has helped me to become a far more precise, intentional and profitable business owner.
Episode 175 - The problem with blurring your personal value with your financial success - a conversation with Kate Northrup
I loved this conversation for so many reasons and feel so honoured to have had Kate Northrup on our Podcast.
Episode 174 - How your Human Design Profile and Mercury placement can help to create more high converting, YOU-shaped copy
In this episode, I share how to use your profile line in human design, combined with your Mercury placement in astrology, to write more compelling, higher-converting, 100% YOU-shaped copy.