Episode 133 - Strategic and sustainable scaling to $50k months: A case study
Join me as I break down some of the key stops, my incredible client Nicole and I went through together to support her to scale to $50k months *sustainably*.
Episode 132 - The 3 areas I invest the most time and money into in my business
As I was preparing this episode I originally started thinking about things in the context of each stage of business. I.e. What did I focus on for my first $10k month, and then $50k and then $100k etc… but then I realised that these 3 key areas are important at every single stage of business and when combined, become the “triple threat” to having a stand out and world-class business. Join me as we chat about these 3 key areas and why they are so impactful and critical for a successful business.
Episode 131 - Should you be investing in a mentor or in a team?
I’m slightly shocked that we haven’t had this conversation on the Podcast yet but alas, here we are! This is a conversation that I have allllll the time behind closed doors with my clients and it’s often one of the most stressful (but expansive) things you will come across as an entrepreneur.
Episode 130 - The real story behind Expansion Mastermind®
While I have ambition to burn, a solid work ethic and tireless commitment to building my strengths based business (which will be important for you, too, as an entrepreneur), none of that was getting me where I wanted to go. So I created a new “Rule Book”. In this Podcast episode, I share a little more about this Rule Book and my personal journey over the past couple of years.
Episode 129 - Launching is NOT just about new clients
In our persona strategy sessions last week, I shared “launching isn’t just about new clients, it’s also about lead generation and so much more”. The response to this was, unexpectedly, profound! I had so many DM’s from people saying this was so valuable (and it wasn’t even something I really dived into!)
My sacral said YES to recording an episode on all the ways you can “extract all the juice” from a launch and my own personal journey.
Episode 128 - Is it the program/coach or is it the unwillingness to do the inner work?
The cycle of buying the program, starting to consume the material and realising it takes a lot of inner work and then bailing, only to then buy the next “quick fix” program, realising it’s asking the same of you and moving onto the next thing…I’ve seen this cycle in action through my own observances of myself, as well as people around me.
Episode 127 - Celebrating 5 years in business by taking you behind the scenes of a strengths-led business
When I started my business 5 years ago, I was working full time as a lawyer, was a mum to a one year old and my husband was travelling a lot for work. Since this time, my husband has retired (twice), we’ve lived in 4 different Australian states, I’ve tried about 748564 different strategies in my business, and completely changed the way that I do things (to be more in line with my strengths).
Episode 126 - The 7 best decisions I’ve made in my business (Part 2)
PART 2 - It’s coming up to my 5 year anniversary in business and what better way to celebrate than to record a Podcast episode on the 7 BEST decisions that I’ve made in my business. Some of them may even surprise you!
Episode 125 - The 7 best decisions I’ve made in my business (Part 1)
It’s coming up to my 5 year anniversary in business and what better way to celebrate than to record a Podcast episode on the 7 BEST decisions that I’ve made in my business. Some of them may even surprise you!
Episode 124 - Manifestation without nervous system regulation is just wishful thinking with Mandy Flanders
About a month ago, I shared some stories about some of the things I was seeing circulated (particularly in the manifestation and personal development space) about money. Posts saying things like money is an extension of the divine, that it would exist even if humans didn’t exist, money is energy etc. Now, I don’t disagree that our energy when it comes to money is important. However, money is a resource. It is NOT just energy.
Episode 123 - My experience with abandonment, how I’m processing, and why it’s important for coaches to be aware of (and work through) their traumas
Phwoar. This episode was a biggie. This year has been so huge for me on a personal level as I’ve been actively exploring parts of my childhood (and life) that are contributing to some very interesting patterning.
Episode 122 - Why coming back to the natural intelligence of our body is the key to a more limitless life with Claire Bone
In this episode, I chat with Claire Bone. One of her greatest passions is directing women back to the intelligence of their body and creative fertility through the wisdom of their feminine essence, cyclical nature and menstrual Cycle. Her approach to ‘healing’ leans more towards an integration of the psyche in a holistic way as she sees a huge benefit in bringing awareness to the shadow or unconscious aspects of oneself.
Episode 121 - 3 reasons why one size fits all social media advice doesn't work
One of the things that we are exploring deeply here at Team JJ with our clients is using self-discovery to inform our strategies in business. Being a successful online entrepreneur takes STRATEGY and DISCERNMENT. Not every strategy is going to work for you. Not every platform is worth being on. Join me in this chat as I share 3 reasons for why one size fits all social media advice doesn’t work. It’s a goodie!
Episode 120 - Using creativity in multidimensional ways to elevate life and biz with Dr Marion Piper
In this episode, I chat with Dr Marion Piper about all things creativity, but not in the way you might think! When you hear the word creativity, what do you think about? Drawing a picture? Maybe trying out a clay making class? Buying a water colour painting course? What if your relationship with creativity was deeper? What if you could implement a daily creative practice that became part of self-care? An opportunity to self-soothe?
Episode 119 - A behind the scenes look at the support I have in my business & life
Last week I released our newest offer, Explore, and I received a message in my Instagram DM’s which said: “Every time you put out something, I want to buy it, and I also ask myself - how does she get the time? Are you so busy?”
And I wanted to speak about this and transparently take you behind the curtain of the support I have in my business (and life)
Episode 118 - How you can pioneer the shifts we are seeing in the coaching/personal development industries (instead of complaining about them!)
In this week’s episode I’m sharing some of the key shifts we are seeing in the online coaching and personal development industries right now (and that it’s ok if you are feeling a little frazzled and like “things aren’t working”). I share my strategies for how you can pioneer and BE the change.
Episode 117 - The connection between your health and your business with Amie Skilton
With many clients in the health space, I freaking LOVE jamming with them on marketing because I love disrupting the notion that people spend more money on their business than they do their health. Because let’s face it. You don’t have a business if you don’t have your health. Join Amie (my incredible naturopath and friend) and I as we talk about how unbelievably important it is to not only be prioritising your health (and easy ways you can do this), but why it’s also important to create a life and business that SUPPORTS you to prioritise and maintain your well-being.
Episode 116 - Permission to be YOU with Peta Serras
If you’ve ever felt like you are doing things wrong, that you’re not doing it like everyone else, that you couldn’t possibly keep up with the person next to you or someone else’s epic branding, you MUST listen to this episode!
Episode 115 - How Human Design was the missing puzzle piece I had long been searching for
In today’s episode I share with you how Human Design and discovering I was a Manifesting Generator was the missing puzzle piece from a lifetime of having an incomplete puzzle! As someone with at least 100 half read books, multiple random things on my resume, and a belief that I was “doing it wrong” most of the time, learning that it is energetically correct for me to try different things, to get what I need from something in less time than perhaps someone else, to move quickly when I get that sacral response and to change my mind (often) was the BIGGEST permission slip I could have ever asked for. Not just as a business owner, but as a mother, wife and human!
Episode 114 - Are you selling cupcakes with no icing?
In today’s episode I share with you a real gap in strategy that I see consistently in the digital space (which I also think is relevant for physical bricks and mortar businesses, too) which is DELIVERING really epic client experiences.