Episode 140 - Stop following this unhelpful business coaching advice right now
Entrepreneurship, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis

Episode 140 - Stop following this unhelpful business coaching advice right now

I’m not one to rag on other entrepreneurs, their methods and their beliefs. After all, I am an advocate for strengths-led business and authentic self-expression, after all. There are, however, four pieces of advice that I see time and time again that I feel are outdated and not useful if you want to grow and sustain an abundant and fulfilling business.

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Episode 138 - Pioneer the new paradigm of business or be left behind
Entrepreneurship, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis

Episode 138 - Pioneer the new paradigm of business or be left behind

In this episode I take you behind the scenes of what it actually means to build a “strengths-led business”. I take you back to how I used to do things and why it wasn’t working for me, and then I show you real tangible examples of why I believe strengths-led business is the new era of business and is incredibly lucrative and sustainable.

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Episode 137 - AI and a new paradigm of doing business
Entrepreneurship, AI, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, AI, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis

Episode 137 - AI and a new paradigm of doing business

In this episode, I share why the cookie-cutter approach isn’t working for you by using the very relevant example of AI software. We’ll talk about how I’ve been using this software and the 3 limitations that mean it will never replace my writing or the role of my copywriter in my business. Not only that, I’ll also use it as an analogy to explain why I believe that we are entering a new era of business and how you can be on the front foot.

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Episode 136 - Bonus Episode: Why 80% of Manifesting Generators are not getting results in their business
Entrepreneurship, Human Design, Sales Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Human Design, Sales Jazze Jervis

Episode 136 - Bonus Episode: Why 80% of Manifesting Generators are not getting results in their business

If you’re a Mani Gen and you *haven’t* yet watched my free (and on demand) training, why not? In it, you’ll learn:

How to ditch the Overwhelmed MG persona for good, embrace your MOST Magnetic MG and create a business that works *for* your multi-passionate heart, makes great money and deeply supports you to do business on your own terms.

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Episode 132 - The 3 areas I invest the most time and money into in my business
Entrepreneurship, Investing Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Investing Jazze Jervis

Episode 132 - The 3 areas I invest the most time and money into in my business

As I was preparing this episode I originally started thinking about things in the context of each stage of business. I.e. What did I focus on for my first $10k month, and then $50k and then $100k etc… but then I realised that these 3 key areas are important at every single stage of business and when combined, become the “triple threat” to having a stand out and world-class business. Join me as we chat about these 3 key areas and why they are so impactful and critical for a successful business.

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Episode 131 - Should you be investing in a mentor or in a team?

Episode 131 - Should you be investing in a mentor or in a team?

I’m slightly shocked that we haven’t had this conversation on the Podcast yet but alas, here we are! This is a conversation that I have allllll the time behind closed doors with my clients and it’s often one of the most stressful (but expansive) things you will come across as an entrepreneur.

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Episode 130 - The real story behind Expansion Mastermind®
Entrepreneurship Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship Jazze Jervis

Episode 130 - The real story behind Expansion Mastermind®

While I have ambition to burn, a solid work ethic and tireless commitment to building my strengths based business (which will be important for you, too, as an entrepreneur), none of that was getting me where I wanted to go. So I created a new “Rule Book”. In this Podcast episode, I share a little more about this Rule Book and my personal journey over the past couple of years.

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Episode 129 - Launching is NOT just about new clients
Entrepreneurship, Launching Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Launching Jazze Jervis

Episode 129 - Launching is NOT just about new clients

In our persona strategy sessions last week, I shared “launching isn’t just about new clients, it’s also about lead generation and so much more”. The response to this was, unexpectedly, profound! I had so many DM’s from people saying this was so valuable (and it wasn’t even something I really dived into!)

My sacral said YES to recording an episode on all the ways you can “extract all the juice” from a launch and my own personal journey.

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Episode 128 - Is it the program/coach or is it the unwillingness to do the inner work?
Entrepreneurship, Self Exploration Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Self Exploration Jazze Jervis

Episode 128 - Is it the program/coach or is it the unwillingness to do the inner work?

The cycle of buying the program, starting to consume the material and realising it takes a lot of inner work and then bailing, only to then buy the next “quick fix” program, realising it’s asking the same of you and moving onto the next thing…I’ve seen this cycle in action through my own observances of myself, as well as people around me.

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Episode 127 - Celebrating 5 years in business by taking you behind the scenes of a strengths-led business
Entrepreneurship, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Strengths-Led Business Jazze Jervis

Episode 127 - Celebrating 5 years in business by taking you behind the scenes of a strengths-led business

When I started my business 5 years ago, I was working full time as a lawyer, was a mum to a one year old and my husband was travelling a lot for work. Since this time, my husband has retired (twice), we’ve lived in 4 different Australian states, I’ve tried about 748564 different strategies in my business, and completely changed the way that I do things (to be more in line with my strengths).

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Episode 124 - Manifestation without nervous system regulation is just wishful thinking with Mandy Flanders
Entrepreneurship, Manifestation, Money Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Manifestation, Money Jazze Jervis

Episode 124 - Manifestation without nervous system regulation is just wishful thinking with Mandy Flanders

About a month ago, I shared some stories about some of the things I was seeing circulated (particularly in the manifestation and personal development space) about money. Posts saying things like money is an extension of the divine, that it would exist even if humans didn’t exist, money is energy etc. Now, I don’t disagree that our energy when it comes to money is important. However, money is a resource. It is NOT just energy.

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Episode 122 - Why coming back to the natural intelligence of our body is the key to a more limitless life with Claire Bone
Entrepreneurship, Cyclical Living Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Cyclical Living Jazze Jervis

Episode 122 - Why coming back to the natural intelligence of our body is the key to a more limitless life with Claire Bone

In this episode, I chat with Claire Bone. One of her greatest passions is directing women back to the intelligence of their body and creative fertility through the wisdom of their feminine essence, cyclical nature and menstrual Cycle. Her approach to ‘healing’ leans more towards an integration of the psyche in a holistic way as she sees a huge benefit in bringing awareness to the shadow or unconscious aspects of oneself.

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Episode 121 - 3 reasons why one size fits all social media advice doesn't work
Entrepreneurship, Social Media Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Social Media Jazze Jervis

Episode 121 - 3 reasons why one size fits all social media advice doesn't work

One of the things that we are exploring deeply here at Team JJ with our clients is using self-discovery to inform our strategies in business. Being a successful online entrepreneur takes STRATEGY and DISCERNMENT. Not every strategy is going to work for you. Not every platform is worth being on. Join me in this chat as I share 3 reasons for why one size fits all social media advice doesn’t work. It’s a goodie!

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