Episode 100 - 10 Lessons I’ve learned in business
Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Sales, Nervous System Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Sales, Nervous System Jazze Jervis

Episode 100 - 10 Lessons I’ve learned in business

Today’s episode is special. It's our 100th episode!!
I feel so much gratitude and truly honoured to share this moment with you. In this episode I share my 10 lessons I’ve learned in business. I am really excited to bring this kind of episode to you as well to celebrate 100 episodes, because my business model, my offers, my marketing and me as a human, have gone through so many different iterations over these 100 episodes.

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Episode 99 - Tending to your nervous system will reap far more results than any ‘mindset’ work
Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Sales, Nervous System Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Sales, Nervous System Jazze Jervis

Episode 99 - Tending to your nervous system will reap far more results than any ‘mindset’ work

A few weeks ago I had this Instagram Live with my incredible mentor @iamanakinkela about all things “Nervous system”
‘Nervous system work’ has completely transformed my life and business.
In fact, I went as far as to share my ‘unpopular opinion’
“Tending to your nervous system will reap far more results than any positive thoughts and ‘mindset work’ will.

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Episode 97 - Supporting your nervous system to show up in business
Entrepreneurship, Mindset Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Mindset Jazze Jervis

Episode 97 - Supporting your nervous system to show up in business

Mindset is incredibly important but it’s also very surface level work. To create sustainable and consistent results, the real work is at the nervous system level. I talk about why we need to work on our nervous system when expanding into a new receiving paradigm.

In this episode, I’m sharing the 5 key areas of teaching inside Legacy, the basis upon which I have consistently shown up, sold my offers and created an abundant business over the past 4.5 years.

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Episode 96 - Balancing motherhood & biz
Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Motherhood Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Motherhood Jazze Jervis

Episode 96 - Balancing motherhood & biz

I’m asked all of the time - but how do you do it all? How do you balance motherhood and your business?

In this episode, I’m discussing exactly how I managed to find balance. I’m walking you through 3 steps that help to identify where you’re currently at in your life, what activities you should engage in now to help move the needle forward, and where you can ask for help.

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Episode 93 - What to do when it feels like shit is hitting the fan
Entrepreneurship, Mindset Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Mindset Jazze Jervis

Episode 93 - What to do when it feels like shit is hitting the fan

In this episode, I’m sharing the number one mindset shift and approach I take when shit starts to hit the fan. By utilising this way of thinking, you’ll be able to explore and pinpoint the precise reason why something didn’t work, what you can do in the future, and avoid self-doubt because you’re on the path to expansion.

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Episode 91 - Sustainability is SEXY: creating a business abundant in cash, time and longevity part 1
Entrepreneurship, Wealth Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Wealth Jazze Jervis

Episode 91 - Sustainability is SEXY: creating a business abundant in cash, time and longevity part 1

This episode is split into two parts because it’s just too jampacked to fit into one. We’re making sustainability sexy with the aim to create a business that is abundant in cash, time and longevity. To achieve this, I’ll be exploring 5 areas where you can focus sustainability in your business to generate incredible results in less time so you’re not stuck in hustle energy.

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Episode 85 - The 2022 'trends' that I'm calling in
Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Marketing, Sales Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Mindset, Marketing, Sales Jazze Jervis

Episode 85 - The 2022 'trends' that I'm calling in

In today’s episode, I take you through 5 trends in the online coaching/digital marketing space as well as the current themes that I am CALLING IN. It’s not so much a conversion of ‘what I am predicting’, but instead ‘this is what I am HERE FOR in my business and would LOVE to see in the online space’.

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Episode 81 - Learning to embrace polarity to quantum leap into 2022
Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Mindset, Spirituality Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Wealth, Mindset, Spirituality Jazze Jervis

Episode 81 - Learning to embrace polarity to quantum leap into 2022

In this episode, I wanted to share the conversation topics I’ve been having with my clients around quantum leaping, doing things very quickly, sitting in discomfort and collapsing time.

We created a six-figure business in 9 months, we then went from $400k to a seven-figure business in 12 months. We have moved incredibly fast so I’m no stranger to quantum leaping and collapsing time.

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Episode 80 - Building a high performing team to create the life you want with Paula Maidens
Entrepreneurship Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship Jazze Jervis

Episode 80 - Building a high performing team to create the life you want with Paula Maidens

As an entrepreneur, finding and hiring your team can feel incredibly daunting. Self-doubt will often rear its head and cause you to think you can’t afford a team or you should be doing all of the work in your business. However, my next guest, Paula Maidens, is here to discuss why hiring your perfect team will create more time, revenue, and bring back your sanity as well.

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Episode 78 - How I create impactful content consistently
Entrepreneurship, Marketing Jazze Jervis Entrepreneurship, Marketing Jazze Jervis

Episode 78 - How I create impactful content consistently

I know that many of you are feeling like coming up with content is the most dreaded part of your business. You’re spending hours and hours sitting in front of your computer feeling stuck.

So, in today’s episode, I wanted to share with you how I come up with my content. Firstly, I want to say that it has absolutely nothing to do with a fancy creation strategy. It all comes down to the way I value my own ideas and thoughts.

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